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Everybody Needs an Angel

Life is full of challenges, right? And we often wonder why? Why me? Why now? What did I do to deserve this? The thing is: Whether we recognise it or not, or believe it or not, conquering challenges in our lives is an integral part of our personal & spiritual growth. We need to embrace life's tests rather than shy away from them if we are to grow as people or spiritual beings.


But sometimes life is tough and we are not quite sure what do to with the challenges we face. We often need help to work our way through life's inevitable curve-balls.


At other times, we simply can't see above the clouds or through the fog of everyday life. We don't quite know which way to turn.


Luckily, we each have a guardian angel looking out for us and we all need the help of an angel at some point in our lives.


At Angel of Light, we look to tap into the power of the Angels to help you navigate your true path in life, whether that be through psychic readings, spiritual support and training or through soul-healing therapies such as meditation, reiki or bach flower remedies.


Please take the time to check out the services we provide in helping you be the best you in this beautiful, small planet of ours.


Get help seeing and choosing your path with one of our insightful seeing/reading options


Re-align and re-energise with one of our powerful hands-on, hands-off or distance healing therapies


Try just being with one of our individual or class-based meditation or mindfulness sessions


Want to learn more about healing and spirituality? Check out our range of individual and group learning sessions


Mahatma Gandhi

"To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer."

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